Restaurants & Bars
Restorani i barovi, kao stub ugostiteljske delatnosti predstavljaju najveći izazov upravo zbog ogromne konkurencije, dinamičnosti tržišta ponude i tražnje i neprestanih promena aktuelnih trendova. Kreiranje koncepta koji ce pored unikatnog dizajna i funkcionalnosti zablistati i savršeno kreiranim receptima hrane i pića, kao i besprekornom uslugom, pravi su put ka uspešnom poslovanju i ostvarivanju zadatih ciljeva.
Business Development
Improving business processes involves detailed analysis, defining an optimal organizational structure, planning an operational budget, delegating work tasks, maximizing the utilization of existing resources, creating new departments, as well as establishing an absolute implementation of the business control system as needed.
HR Management
Choosing the right workforce has a major impact in achieving positive business results. For many companies that deal with service activities, choosing the right candidates is crucial. We are concerned with the assessment of psychological profiles, training, reorientation and motivation of the existing staff, as well as the recruitment of new workforce.